Don’t Get Caught Napping

In The Word

Read: 2 Samuel 16:15-17:29



Absalom Enters Jerusalem

15 Then Absalom and all the people, the men of Israel, entered Jerusalem, and Ahithophel with him. 16 Now it came about, when Hushai the Archite, David’s friend, came to Absalom, that Hushai said to Absalom, “Long live the king! Longlive the king!” 17 But Absalom said to Hushai, “Is this your loyalty to your friend? Why did you not go with your friend?” 18 So Hushai said to Absalom, “No! For whomever the Lord, this people, and all the men of Israel have chosen, his I shall be, and with him I shall remain. 19 Besides, whom should I serve? Should I not serve in the presence of his son? Just as I have served in your father’s presence, so I shall be in your presence.”

20 Then Absalom said to Ahithophel, “Give your advice. What should we do?”21 Ahithophel said to Absalom, “Have relations with your father’s concubines, whom he has left behind to take care of the house; then all Israel will hear that you have made yourself repulsive to your father. The hands of all who are with you will also be strengthened.” 22 So they pitched a tent for Absalom on the roof, and Absalom had relations with his father’s concubines in the sight of all Israel. 23 Now the advice of Ahithophel, which he gave in those days, was taken as though one inquired of the word of God; so was all the advice of Ahithophel regarded by both David and Absalom.

Hushai’s Counsel

17 Furthermore, Ahithophel said to Absalom, “Please let me choose twelve thousand men and let me set out and pursue David tonight. And I will attack him while he is weary and exhausted and startle him, so that all the people who are with him will flee. Then I will strike and kill the king when he is alone, and I will bring all the people back to you. The return of everyone depends on the man whom you are seeking; then all the people will be at peace.” And the plan pleased Absalom and all the elders of Israel.

Nevertheless, Absalom said, “Now call Hushai the Archite also, and let’s hear what he has to say.” When Hushai had come to Absalom, Absalom said to him, “Ahithophel has proposed this plan. Should we carry out his plan? If not, say soyourself.” So Hushai said to Absalom, “This time the advice that Ahithophel has given is not good.” Then Hushai said, “You yourself know your father and his men, that they are warriors and they are fierce, like a bear deprived of her cubs in the field. And your father is an expert in warfare, and he will not spend the night with the people. Behold, he has now hidden himself in one of the ravines, or in another place; and it will be that when he falls on them at the first attack, whoever hears it will say, ‘There has been a slaughter among the people who follow Absalom!’ 10 And even the one who is valiant, whose heart is like the heart of a lion, will completely despair; for all Israel knows that your father is a mighty man, and those who are with him are valiant men. 11 But I advise that all Israel be fully gathered to you, from Dan even to Beersheba, like the sand that is by the sea in abundance; and that you personally go into battle. 12 Then we will come to him in one of the places where he can be found, and we will fall on him just as the dew falls on the ground; and of him and of all the men who are with him, not even one will be left. 13 And if he withdraws into a city, then all Israel shall bring ropes to that city, and we will drag it into the valley until not even a pebble is found there.”14 Then Absalom and all the men of Israel said, “The advice of Hushai the Archite is better than the advice of Ahithophel.” For the Lord had ordained to foil the good advice of Ahithophel, in order for the Lord to bring disaster on Absalom.

Hushai’s Warning Saves David

15 Then Hushai said to Zadok and to Abiathar the priests, “This is what Ahithophel advised Absalom and the elders of Israel to do, and this is what I have advised.16 Now then, send a messenger quickly and tell David, saying, ‘Do not spend the night at the river crossing places of the wilderness, but by all means cross over, or else the king and all the people who are with him will be destroyed.’” 17 Now Jonathan and Ahimaaz were staying at En-rogel, and a female servant would go and inform them, and they would go and inform King David, for they could not allow themselves to be seen entering the city. 18 But a boy did see them, and he told Absalom; so the two of them left quickly and came to the house of a man in Bahurim, who had a well in his courtyard, and they went down into it. 19 And the woman took a cover and spread it over the well’s mouth and scattered barley meal on it, so that nothing was known. 20 Then Absalom’s servants came to the woman at the house and said, “Where are Ahimaaz and Jonathan?” And the woman said to them, “They have crossed the brook of water.” And when they searched and did not find them, they returned to Jerusalem.

21 It came about after they had departed, that they came up out of the well and went and reported to King David; and they said to David, “Set out and cross over the water quickly, because this is what Ahithophel has advised against you.”22 Then David and all the people who were with him set out and crossed the Jordan; by dawn not even one remained who had not crossed the Jordan.

23 Now when Ahithophel saw that his advice had not been followed, he saddled hisdonkey and set out and went to his home, to his city, and set his house in order, and hanged himself; so he died and was buried in his father’s grave.

24 Then David came to Mahanaim. And Absalom crossed the Jordan, he and all the men of Israel with him. 25 Absalom put Amasa in command of the army in place of Joab. Now Amasa was the son of a man whose name was Ithra the Israelite, who had relations with Abigail the daughter of Nahash, sister of Zeruiah, Joab’s mother. 26 And Israel and Absalom camped in the land of Gilead.

27 Now when David had come to Mahanaim, Shobi the son of Nahash from Rabbah of the sons of Ammon, Machir the son of Ammiel from Lo-debar, and Barzillai the Gileadite from Rogelim, 28 brought beds, basins, pottery, wheat, barley, flour, roasted grain, beans, lentils, roasted seeds, 29 honey, curds, sheep, and cheese of the herd, for David and the people who were with him, to eat. For they said, “The people are hungry and exhausted and thirsty in the wilderness.”

New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation

Walking In The Word


In this passage, we find Absalom, Davids son, seeking counsel from Ahithophel. Ahithophel was a trusted advisor whose advice was respected as if one had inquired of the oracle of God. Absalom was directed by Ahithophel to ambush David and his army so that he could kill David and take the kingship. After receiving this guidance from Ahithophel, Absalom sought a second opinion from Hushai the Arkite, Davids friend by acting as a spy in the camp of Absalom. Hushais advice to Absalom was that an ambush was a bad idea, since David was an experienced fighter who would not be caught napping at a time like this.   

As Christians, the world should see us the same way that Hushai and everyone else saw David: as an experienced fighter who would never be caught napping. Our experience comes through daily study of Gods Word. Each day, through study, prayer, and worship, we become strengthened and prepared for the attacks of the enemy that could come at any moment. Also, as David did, we should surround ourselves with valiant warriors who are able and willing to defend the camp at all costs. This comes through weekly fellowship with other believers. The combination of experience and companionship made David a threat to Absalom, and likewise, will make you a threat to the enemy.  

Decide today to become strengthened both by Gods Word and by fellowship so that Satan will know in advance that he will never be victorious in your life. 

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