In The Word
Read: Acts 26:19-32
19 “For that reason, King Agrippa, I did not prove disobedient to the heavenly vision, 20 but continually proclaimed to those in Damascus first, and in Jerusalem, and then all the region of Judea, and even to the Gentiles, that they are to repent and turn to God, performing deeds consistent with repentance. 21 For these reasons some Jews seized me in the temple and tried to murder me. 22 So, having obtained help from God, I stand to this day testifying both to small and great, stating nothing but what the Prophets and Moses said was going to take place, 23 as to whether the Christ was to suffer, and whether, as first from the resurrection of the dead, He would proclaim light both to the Jewish people and to the Gentiles.”
24 While Paul was stating these things in his defense, Festus *said in a loud voice, “Paul, you are out of your mind! Your great learning is driving you insane.” 25 But Paul *said, “I am not insane, most excellent Festus; on the contrary, I am speaking out with truthful and rational words. 26 For the king knows about these matters, and I also speak to him with confidence, since I am persuaded that none of these things escape his notice; for this has not been done in a corner. 27 King Agrippa, do you believe the Prophets? I know that you believe.” 28 Agrippa replied to Paul, “In a short time you are going to persuade me to make a Christian of myself.” 29 And Paul said, “I would wish to God that even in a short or long time not only you, but also all who hear me this day would become such as I myself am, except for these chains.”
30 The king stood up and the governor and Bernice, and those who were sitting with them, 31 and when they had gone out, they began talking to one another, saying, “This man is not doing anything deserving death or imprisonment.” 32 And Agrippa said to Festus, “This man could have been set free if he had not appealed to Caesar.”
New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation
Walking In The Word
Has anyone ever called you crazy for your faith in Jesus Christ? Maybe a “Jesus Freak”? That is exactly what Festus called Paul when he said, “You are out of your mind…” (Acts 26:24b). Festus was a Greek who worshipped idols, and he could not wrap his mind around the message that Paul was speaking. He could not believe that God became flesh, suffered for the sins of the world, died, and rose again from the grave. Come on! It all sounded crazy to Festus. Even Agrippa who knew of the prophets and Moses mocked Paul. Paul seemed foolish to his audience.
While the world thought he was crazy, Paul was confident in the message of Jesus Christ. It was not foolish to him; he had experienced its power in his own life. Paul had a divine confidence, a confidence that the world does not have because it comes from God.
We are not to lean on the understanding of this world, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). We live in a world that believes Christians are foolish. They need more than the simple truth of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. We must have a divine confidence like Paul in order to boldly speak the truth. We must allow God to empower us and fill us in our moment of testimony. Only then can we be secure in the message of the cross. Do not be silenced because the world thinks you are crazy; be confident that God has found you worthy.