Be Revived

In The Word

Read: Psalm 119:81-104



81 My soul languishes for Your salvation;
I wait for Your word.
82 My eyes fail with longing for Your word,
While I say, “When will You comfort me?”
83 Though I have become like a wineskin in the smoke,
I do not forget Your statutes.
84 How many are the days of Your servant?
When will You execute judgment on those who persecute me?
85 The arrogant have dug pits for me,
People who are not in accord with Your Law.
86 All Your commandments are faithful;
They have persecuted me with a lie; help me!
87 They almost destroyed me on earth,
But as for me, I did not abandon Your precepts.
88 Revive me according to Your faithfulness,
So that I may keep the testimony of Your mouth.


89 Forever, Lord,
Your word stands in heaven.
90 Your faithfulness continues throughout generations;
You established the earth, and it stands.
91 They stand this day by Your ordinances,
For all things are Your servants.
92 If Your Law had not been my delight,
Then I would have perished in my misery.
93 I will never forget Your precepts,
For by them You have revived me.
94 I am Yours, save me;
For I have sought Your precepts.
95 The wicked wait for me to destroy me;
I will diligently consider Your testimonies.
96 I have seen a limit to all perfection;
Your commandment is exceedingly broad.


97 How I love Your Law!
It is my meditation all the day.
98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies,
For they are ever mine.
99 I have more insight than all my teachers,
For Your testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than those who are old,
Because I have complied with Your precepts.
101 I have restrained my feet from every evil way,
So that I may keep Your word.
102 I have not turned aside from Your judgments,
For You Yourself have taught me.
103 How sweet are Your words to my taste!
Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
104 From Your precepts I get understanding;
Therefore I hate every false way.

New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995, 2020 by The Lockman Foundation

Walking In The Word


God’s Word is settled in heaven; it is all powerful and delicious. How sweet the taste and how good the nourishment! We find David constantly going back to the Word of God for his strength and comfort. The Word of God revived him. The word “revive” means to quicken or be restored to life or health. David was feeling very unhealthy. He was feeling like the life was being sucked right out of him. So where does he turn? Where does he go? To the life-giving Word of God. The Word of God will not just revive you, it will make you wiser than your enemy so you can out-maneuver him. It will make you experienced well beyond your years. However, to have all these benefits of the Word, we must keep a steady diet of it. Day and night, David meditated on the Word. This understanding of life being found in the Word served him well. 

This understanding can serve us well too. Jesus said, “That we cannot live on bread alone but that we must depend on the life giving power of the Word to survive and thrive in this life.” Maybe you are going through a hard time right now. Maybe the life is being sucked out of you through some circumstance or relationship. What you need is a full plate of life-giving, reviving, and good-tasting truth from God’s Word. As a matter of fact, after you finish this helping of the Word, go back for seconds. May our Father revive you!

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